Lil2Paint, a digital artist hailing from Chile, channels the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) into his intricate works of art. Early in his artistic journey, he began blending traditional drawing with digital techniques, creating a mesmerizing fusion of science fiction, fantasy, and multiverses. With a distinct vision and concept-driven approach, he continually navigates the interplay between technology and humanity within his creations.
His innovative use of AI-orchestrated imagery and his ability to animate his creative process have elevated his artwork, captivating audiences globally and distinguishing him in the art world. His unique approach and compelling aesthetic have earned him widespread recognition and numerous accolades.
In the ever-evolving landscape of art and technology, I strive to create a fusion of traditional drawing techniques and the limitless potential of digital artistry, all underpinned by the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Press and Exhibitions
CV Galería – LiL2PAiNT in Muralist Residency. Painting an AI work in acrylic.
TV Chile – Art and artificial intelligence on TVN International’s program, Conectados.
The Wynwood Times – Lil2Paint, merging digital art and artificial intelligence. Magazine – Weekly Design Inspiration.
Miami’s A.I. Internet Yami Ichi – Miami’s first edition of the classic Internet Yami Ichi – a series of happenings that have been hosted all over the world, bringing together the best of the internet AFK.
Global Pizza DAO Party Chile 2023 – Meet the exhibiting artists at the Global Pizza DAO Party Chile and explore their profiles in the MetaCorral metaverse.