AI-Powered Art Tutorial: Transform Famous Musicians into Kids with Midjourney

AI-Powered Art Tutorial: Transform Famous Musicians into Kids with Midjourney

Discover how to recreate your favorite musicians as children using the AI-powered tool Midjourney, which generates images from simple text inputs.

Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran and Shakira.

💬 [Musician] [age], [Type of shot], [Shot details], studio photography, volumetric lighting, [clothing], [facial expression], [trait], realistic, [Focal Length], expressive, iconic, 4k --ar 2:3

In this mini-tutorial, we’ll focus on transforming famous musicians into their younger selves. Using Midjourney, an AI-powered image generation tool, you can create images of anyone as a child simply by adjusting the text inputs.

Taylor Swift
💬 Taylor Swift as a kid, portrait, close-up shot, studio photography, volumetric lighting, wearing a dress, smiling, cheerful, realistic, 50mm, expressive, iconic, 4k

In this example, we aim to transform Taylor Swift into a child. You can further customize the image by specifying the outfit colors and background. For simplicity, we’ll let the AI decide those aspects for us.

To generate new versions of the image, press the 🔁 button in Midjourney until you’re satisfied with the result. Let’s try with Ed Sheeran, and notice how the AI offers four different versions (you can re-roll for more options). Select the images that closely resemble the real person and upscale them for better quality.

Ed Sheeran
💬 Ed Sheeran as a kid, portrait, close-up shot, studio photography, volumetric lighting, wearing a t-shirt, smiling, friendly, realistic, 50mm, expressive, iconic, 4k --ar 2:3

And finally Shakira.

💬 Shakira as a kid, portrait, close-up shot, studio photography, volumetric lighting, wearing a dress, smiling, cheerful, realistic, 50mm, expressive, iconic, 4k --v 5 --s 750

The AI does an impressive job of retaining well-known traits while imagining what the person might have looked like as a child, or exaggerating childlike features. Let’s upscale the first photo.

You can modify the base prompt to transform any known figure into a child. Have fun experimenting with different musicians, adjusting their outfits, and seeing the AI’s imaginative creations.